12 Apr

- Do you think your lingerie drawer is like a pair of old bloomers? Our staff were trained by experts and are qualified to know how to fit and what to recommend as the perfect solution to your ‘boob’ issues. Got back fat, don’t worry, so have we, but we hide ours well and you can do the same!!
- Our staff are lingerie stylists, qualified in Europe, with our partners Marie Jo and Prima Donna so we can really recommend the right product to achieve the look you are after. You really don’t have to always wear a bland t-shirt bra, the best solution might be different from what you might expect. A visit to us will show you the difference.
- We bet you think your boobs are too small, or too big, or too low, too wide, or too flat…shall I go on? That’s not a problem you will be amazed how much stock we have, many different fabulous brands not available on the high street, but also famous brands like Freya and Fantasie, well known for making women feel fantastic. We have the skill and the expertise to know what is right for you and help you find it without making you feel awkward or embarrassed.

- We measure you with your clothes on. Isn’t that ridiculous, we’ll explain when you come in the reason why!!
- 9 out of 10 of you will be a different size than you think! It’s true if you haven’t been to a fitting specialist, and you aren’t an engineer, it is inevitable you are wearing the wrong one. That’s why you need a specialist. Bras are actually a feat of engineering and the first ever really good one was designed by a man. It’s about balance and counterbalance, but I won’t go on about that here, just come and see the difference it makes when you get it right.

- Facing the fear of rocking your bikini this summer.? Yep you can go to boot camp, eat lettuce and do a million tummy crunches a day, but let’s get real, a decent control swimsuit or a styled cup sized bikini is likely to make all the difference, and we stock the lot all year round
- We’ve been open 9 years in Botley near Southampton, the perfect little lingerie haven.
A visit to Hidden Agenda really is a different experience than you might think. We are a team of girls who do what we ‘do’ because we had the same challenges with our lingerie as you do…..come in for a free fitting and see for yourself. Mention this blog for 10% off your first purchase.