What does the new normal look like for a lingerie boutique

12 Jun

We are really happy to announce that HIdden Agenda will be re-opening on Monday 15th June 2020. Initially we will be working appointment only, at least until Monday 6th July 2020

You can book an appointment by calling 07721756754, contacting us through our website or email to mary@hiddenagendalingerie.co.uk. You can also book on our Facebook page.

We would ask that if you are feeling poorly or should be in quarantine for 14 days for any reason you call us to reschedule your appointment.

So what can you expect as the new normal when you come for a fitting appointment. Well your appointment will ensure that you get one to one service and the boutique to yourself. If you would like to visit with another person that is ok as we are big enough to have three people in the shop and still observe social distancing so long as you are from the same family group or bubble.

I will be disinfecting all surfaces, touch points and steam cleaning the changing room and all the garments that have been handled prior to your entering the shop. On arrival we would ask you have a face covering if at all possible. We will be able to provide a 100% cotton reusable facemask at a cost of £5. This will be refunded against your purchase if you spend over £75 with us. We will be wearing face masks or face shields and we will both hand sanitise on your arrival.

I will observe 2m social distancing throughout the appointment. I fit by eye, so don’t necessarily have to be close to you, I may have to ask you to adjust straps etc for yourself which will be the only difference from normal. There will be additional blinds to ensure privacy throughout the fitting.

The stock you would like to try will be handed to you without the metail or plastic hanger. Anything you do not buy will the steam cleaned and sanitised and put aside before returning it to the shop floor.

We would ask for card payment (no cash) and will be disinfecting our card machine between transactions

Hand sanitiser will be available as you leave

The shop will be deep cleaned each evening and morning before we begin trading, we think we will be as safe as possible and look forward to seeing you!

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